Isabelle de Kleine is a painter and multimedia artist based in Walyalup (Fremantle, Western Australia)

Her artworks are explorations of identity, perception and subjectivity expressed using figure, colour, movement and shape. She uses technology and paint to create collage-like artworks that move between realism and abstraction. Inspired by the psychological self and the unique ways individuals perceive the world around them, Isabelle’s work aims expose the imperfections in the mind, exploring both a beautiful and an uncomfortable reality.

Isabelle completed her bachelor of Fine Arts at RMIT in 2016 and has since received national recognition for her work. Some select achievements include exhibiting in Sydney Contemporary (2019 & 2020), winning the Digital Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery (2015) in Canberra and The Arkley Prize at The NotFair Art Fair (2016) and the Tolarno Hotel Painting Prize (2015) 

Isabelle is represented in Sydney, Australia by Curatorial+Co
and in Perth, Australia by Linton and Kay

email: contact@isabelledekleine.com

instagram: @isabelledekleine

facebook: fb.com/isabelledekleine